My African Christmas Tree

The Baobab tree is native to Africa (and India) , I used one for a Christmas tree this year! (see above image and gallery too) I Googled Baobab and found out that it’s leafless, exceeded in trunk diameter only by the sequoia tree. The trunks of living baobabs are hollowed out for dwellings; rope and […]

Back up your data!

If you know me then you’ll have heard my rant about always backing up your data. Here is a story of how one poor woman lost the thesis that she had been working on for almost 7 years! Seems that she kept her only copy on a tiny zip drive in here purse and when her purse was stolen she really was up shits creek. With a little detective work she remarkably managed to find it in the end. Here is the story and perhaps it will make you go out and buy a pack of CD-Rs or blank Dvds and make a few backups! (Perhaps I should also write up a mini tutorial on how to make backups ???)


Smart Car Crash at 70mph!

Smart is the brand name of a little golf cart like car offered by DaimlerChrysler AG in Europe. On first setting eyes on this little toy you may wonder how it would hold up in a frontal crash with a concrete barrier! Well, wonder no more (the little tyke in the video below was doing 70mph before it was forced to stop in under one second!)

Utah 2005

Make a Favicon.ico image using OS X and IcoMaker

Favicons are those little images that come up in the URL bar to the left of the URL in your web browser. They are also displayed on the browser tab if you’re using Firefox. Here’s how to make em’ (this is the “very quick” version). See Steve Cooley’s Site for a more detailed version.

Map GPS Coordinates to Maps online

Just found out a nifty way to map a GPS point online. You can use MS’s terraserver found here. Look at the bottom left of this page and you’ll see a field to enter latitude and longitude. This value should be in a decimal format so if you have say 109 mins and 30 secs […]

Andy Andrews on PBS

I’m horrible at reading books and am always looking for the study notes, you know, the summary of the entire book in a page or so. Don’t get me wrong I love a well written piece of fiction like J.M. Coetzee’s “Life and Times of Michael K” but throw a not so well written self help book like “The Celestine Prophecy” at me and it’ll end up on the bed stand for weeks. So I watching a PBS program by this guy called “Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success” by Andy Andrews. Seems like a nice bloke but ha! here is a little summary of the seven decisions: