Shoot photos with iphone, upload to Flickr with Flickit, add to a FLICKR set then create a nice slideshow with PictoBrowser – simple right ??!!!
Author: LittleAdmin
I’m helping my good friend Peggy Lloyd drum up some more business via the interwebs. Peggy, the undisputed dog walking queen of Boulder, has had her dog walking business, “It’s a Dog’s Life” for the past 14 years. Here’s her pitch: Hi, I’ve been in the dog walking business for the past 14 years and […]
Trying to get a friend’s old laptop online – the beast is running windows 98 with no wifi or ethernet cable. I toyed with the ideal of throwing in an old PCMCIA wifi card but a Windows 98 machine permanently connected to the intewebs is a security nightmare waiting to happen.
Here is a YouTube HD video example. Shot with Canon HV30 in 24p. Dog in snow! (Note to get footage to embed in HD add this suffix to your URLs &fmt=22) – Also note that you’ll need a pretty powerful, newish computer to view the video without it stuttering and may older computers will not […]
I just received a nasty comment on one of my videos on YouTube and boy and I mad. Well now it’s time for sweet sweet justice. I don’t mind constructive criticism or someone using bad language but when it’s hate speech, harassment or a privacy violation I think we have a right to report the person in question and get them booted.
The following is a trip report on a mini vacation I took with my parents to Glenwood Springs on Jan 8th and 9th 2008. I’d always wanted to ride in a train across the Rockies so a trip to Glenwood Springs and back from Denver sounded like a great way to get the train experience […]
Below is a series of videos featuring crazy Arab Driving from YouTube. Videos include driving an SUV on just two wheels, a car full of people casually drifting through rush hour traffic and some blokes skating on the public highway wearing nothing more than standard issue arab sandals! What makes these crazy examples so hoon-a-liscous […]
All things husky from the Jacana Productions YouTube channel. Featuring the shoplifting dog, husky vs cat and lots of husky play!
Tis very cold in Boulder today!
I’m in the process of a site upgrade – Drupal 5.1 > 6.6, ouch, so please excuse the mess! Upgrading to Drupal 6 will allow me to do a lot more nifty things with