So I’ve been having some server crashes lately and as most of my sites are for my own use it’s not mission critical they have to be up 24/7 but when they’re attached to a resume then it will be bad form to have a site down with a database error for someone looking for a webmeister position! Enter Uptime Kuma 🐻, a free open source website monitoring program that has a sleek web interface.
I originally found out about it on YouTube and there are a few articles online that seem overly complicated so I simply went to their GitHub page and pasted in a line of code via the terminal, I’m running an older version of Ubuntu, Ver 18, and I swear it installed under 3 minutes. So much for all the complicated YouTube vids and long articles!
This is what I typed / pasted in 🙂
curl -Lo && sudo bash
Guess they have a nice install script. It asked me for a few options like a local vs docker install and it was up and running. Just got to the ip address of your linux box and look at port 3001 http://yourIPaddress:3001 create a user name and strong passwrod and you’re set. Bloody brilliant! The web interface is super clean and modern looking. Check out their Github page if your have any issues.
And the name – Kuma (クマ/熊) means bear 🐻 in Japanese. A little bear is watching your website.🐻🐻🐻